Unite For Justice

People across the country are rising up to demand that their Senators stop Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, and protect our most fundamental rights. Everyone agrees: the balance of the Supreme Court is on the line with this lifetime appointment.

There’s no doubt: Kavanaugh would rule to gut Roe and criminalize abortion, gut health care, attack voting rights, slash environmental protections, and further damage workers’ and immigrant rights. If Senators vote to confirm Kavanaugh, they would cement into place the worst and most dangerous of Donald Trump’s policies for generations to come.

We can win this fight if we stay united. So on August 26th, in states all across the country, the People’s Defense coalition, NARAL Pro-Choice America, MoveOn and more than 30 other organizations (and counting) are building a National Day of Action, “Unite for Justice,” to stop Brett Kavanaugh.

Help us spread the word by updating your social media profiles and timelines with Unite for Justice graphics by visiting our gallery of images! There are also ready-to-print posters available.