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The Profession of Your Dream: What Kind of Job is Right for You?

Working at The Office
John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

Choosing a career is a significant process and is one of the most meaningful decisions you will ever make in your life. Putting enough effort into choosing your future occupation will help you to pursue the career of your dream and, as a result, will make you a complete and happy person.

     After finishing school, teenagers usually face a range of problems while choosing their future career. With thousands of jobs to choose from, how do people pick the one that will make them feel satisfied with their decision?

Personal Values and Interests

      Choosing a career is not an easy thing, so it is very important to concentrate on those jobs which are closer to your heart and suit your personality, character, values, interests, and hobbies. Explore and understand what type of person you are and think about your goals and achievements.

Here are some questions and tips which may help you:

  1. What subject do you feel confident and strong at? Academic subjects can very well launch you into your future profession. For example, if you like mathematics, you can try to be an economist, bank manager, or a teacher.
  2. What kind of hobby can be transferred into your career? If you are interested in music and films, you can choose a creative career, such as a job of an actor, musician, producer, or video editor.
  3. Ask your family members, teachers and friends about your personal qualities and think how they can be of benefit in your future studies and work. Consider your interpersonal skills. If you like communicating and helping people, then you should take into consideration social sphere jobs, for example, a doctor, a psychologist, or a police officer.
  4. Take a test which will help you to analyze your professional inclinations. Tests can be given to you at school. You can also find the right one on the Internet or try it here.
  5. Make a “Career List.” Based on what you have learned from your research so far, look for jobs that appear on multiple lists and copy them onto a blank page. After that, choose professions which will suit you the best and cross out those, which don’t appeal to you. The key to achieving career satisfaction is to make sure to choose an occupation that is suitable for you.


  1. Keep in mind your duties and the financial side of the prospective job. Your ability to pursue or change careers may be based on your financial situation.
  2. Don’t forget that the area where you live plays a very important role too. This is especially true for jobs that are focused in certain regions.  Choose the profession which will be essential. It is also essential to consider future career stability.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Talk to other people of different ages. Maybe some of them will encourage and inspire you.

All this information will certainly help you to make the right decision.

Where There’s a Will - There’s a Way

    After all, it is important to understand that your hard work, diligent studies, and the right choice will surely be rewarded. In the long run, you will have the job of your dream. What is more to desire?