Living on a Campus. A List of Pros and Cons

University Campus in Fall
John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

The choice between on-campus or off-campus living is one of the hardest after what university to apply to. Every university has different options to offer you, but all of them have something in common. Our list of advantages and disadvantages will help you to make up your mind.

Benefits of Living on a Campus

Some students really love living in a dorm feeling like it is the most exciting experience in their entire life. Find out why below.

Everything is Ready at Hand

There are often residence halls, lecture halls, libraries, canteens, clubs, gyms, etc. on a campus. You do not have to go by bus or drive to the classes. Maximum a 10-minutes-walk separates you from any destination. It is especially convenient if you a night person and like sleeping much in the morning. You can be longer in bed because you spend almost nothing to get to the lecture hall.

You Have Less to Worry About

If you live on a campus, you pay in advance a fixed amount and your head does not care about utilities, monthly rent or hidden fees. Some residence halls even provide cleaning of common areas, taking out the trash, disinfecting the bathrooms, refilling the soap and toilet paper.

Social Life

Lots of students say: “You will not experience college life to the full if you do not live on a campus”. And it is relatively true. The best place to make new friends is your college. Common interests, tasks, and challenges bond you, and you may become the closest people on earth. If you want to know what the best university campuses in the USA can offer you in addition to a “standard kit”, watch this video

Why Living on a Campus is not an Option for You

The other half of college students hate dorms and try to move to an apartment ASAP. You can see their point reading the cons of living on a campus.

You Have to Share a Room with a Stranger

Some universities offer single rooms, but normally 1-3 people, you have not known before, live with you. It may be pretty stressful for absolutely different people to get on. In addition, your neighbors will come in and out to ask for help, tell a joke or invite to a party, so it is pretty hard to concentrate on education. You do not have the luxury of privacy in a residence hall.

Dorm Rooms are Usually Small

If you are used to freedom, you may feel hindered in a residence hall room. Cramming all your personal stuff in a limited space can be problematic for you. A coffee table, a desk, and a nightstand are usually one thing.

You Have to Follow the Rules

Be ready to attend required meetings, comply with the curfews, and tolerate the rules about inviting the opposite gender to your place. Your room can be inspected to check its cleanliness and security. Besides, you have to clean the common areas in the most dormitories.

How to Choose a Campus

Housing facilities are so brightly described on university websites. Nobody will tell you why their facilities are bad. Everybody highlights the advantages. See our checklist to know what to look out for on campus


  • Location. Residence halls are not always situated near lecture halls of the university. If you are going to study in a big city, you may need to use public transport. Consider also where your dorm is located in relation to the destinations you need: shopping malls, drug stores, railway station, etc.
  • Size. A big buzzing campus and a small one with a dozen of students living there have a different atmosphere. Which environment is more motivating for you?
  • Facilities and services. Check what academic resources and leisure activities your campus offers. Are they enough to make your college life interesting and effective?
  • Accommodation. Since you move in, you will live alone and plan your own budget. Is it affordable for you or your family to live on a campus?

So, which option do you choose? We would be happy to see your comment on our Facebook page.