Types of speeches: their characteristics and peculiarities

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

What is a speech?

A speech is a short task that is offered to the audience. In education, it can be a report or debate, for instance, while in a private conversation, it may be about brief information about recent events. There are three main types of speeches, including informative, persuasive, and demonstrative, but the division of the solutions is much more extensive. Follow the guidelines to learn more about the peculiarities of different speech types, ethics behind each one of them, and other elements that may influence the success of your undertaking.

Main types of speeches

Once you are aware of the definition of speech, it is the right time to proceed to the possible types of speeches. By analyzing the various solutions, it is possible to single out various divisions. Thus, it is possible to single out a unique type of speech based on its purpose, delivery method, structure, and other options. However, irrespective of the element you choose, you must make maximum effort to understand your audience and cater to its needs and preferences. Besides, follow the requirements of the selected type. Working on the entertainment speech, avoid persuasive elements and make sure you create a positive setting and relaxing atmosphere. Mind the goal of the writing in order to acknowledge what to say and what elements to include. Keep reading to learn more about diverse types of speeches, their peculiarities, and other factors that may influence their efficiency.

Informative speech

Informative speech is undeniably one of the most common types of speeches. It is aimed at educating and providing the audience with relevant information from credible data sources. When working on informative speech, it is fundamental to simplify challenging elements, conveying complex concepts with simpler ideas. Why create informative speeches?

There are multiple most important objectives they can fulfill.

  • Explain a particular subject matter
  • Introduce an appealing topic
  • Provide interesting information on the discussed subject
  • Contribute to the understanding of the topic

When it comes to informative speech, there is no chance to rely on emotions. Instead, facts and statistics play a critical role in conveying the message. Here are a few interesting topics to choose from.

  • How do electric cars work?
  • Eating healthy: tips and recommendations to use
  • Effective ways to improve the sleep

Persuasive speech

Along with informative speech, persuasive speech is also popular and widely used. The content should present interesting information that will sound persuasive to the audience and will make them agree. At this point, it is indispensable to remember that persuasive speech is not aimed at informing, entertaining, or alluring people, which means a great structure and reasonable arguments may not be enough. Instead, the writer should make the maximum effort to persuade the audience that the presented stance is right.

How is it possible to transform speeches of any type into persuasive?

  • State your point of view
  • Present strong arguments and evidence
  • Focus on the up-to-date information only
  • Add some counterarguments that will emphasize the relevance of the topic
  • Use exclamatory sentences to add a little emotional appeal
  • Follow effective guidelines and use writing tools to sway the audience

Do you need inspiration on the topic choice? Check out a few ideas.

  • Should AI tools be legal to use in college?
  • Why is it important to exercise every day?
  • How fair is the current tax system?

Entertainment speech

Why come up with an entertaining speech? To create a relaxed atmosphere and amuse the audience. In most cases, the entertaining speech is informal and quite short. However, its goal is still to present some information and emphasize the emotional appeal. Do not provide the users with facts, statistics, charts, and tables, but rather focus on the entertaining part.
This type of speech is proclaimed mainly at birthday parties, weddings, and other celebrations. Use humor to keep the speech fun and lighthearted. Discover some of the most effective storytelling techniques to get the attention and keep it throughout your speech.

Focus on the choice of the speech to succeed with the assignment.

  • Adventures in the kitchen: how to cook a delicious meal?
  • Popular songs and their hidden meanings
  • Sunday morning cartoons and lessons to learn

Demonstrative speech

Demonstrative speech is aimed at presenting the way something performs or functions. Visual aids and other instruments can be used to convey the message and keep it informative. The goal of the demonstrative speech is to teach the audience how to cope with a specific project or complex assignment. There are no declarative sentences or emotion-related elements in the text, but only a presentation of a specific topic with its detailed explanation.

How do you choose an effective topic for the demonstrative paper? Get inspired by the available examples and thrive with the process.

  • How to create a perfect prom night
  • Top 5 ways to reduce water pollution
  • Best yoga routine

Impromptu speech

Have you ever happened to address the audience without prior preparation or planning? Then, you should know a lot about impromptu speech. The message here is delivered spontaneously, without much time to get ready. Similar to other types of speeches, the main idea here is to deliver the message, but a higher level of competence, knowledge, and skills may be required to come up with an appealing, interesting, and engaging impromptu speech. The ability to share your ideas under pressure may be complicated, but this is the exact aspect that may help you become a confident speaker. Take your time to practice the other types of speeches before you make any imperative sentences or exclamations in your impromptu speech.

How does the perfect topic for the speech looks like?

  • Life without technology: how is it possible?
  • Feelings of plants: can they really feel?
  • Why does the climate change

Oratorical speech

Can any type of message be classified as oratorical speech? Not really, as it is a specific type of speech that is much more formal than others. Usually, it does not contain interrogative sentences and aims at the presentation of certain information. Oratorical speech can be of different types, starting from the ones at graduations and funerals up to the quick toasts at special events.

The speaker does not have to persuade the audience, but personal opinion and other elements can be included to make it enjoyable. The topic of the speech matters the most, so you should be accurate choosing the one.

  • Fascinating places you have visited
  • Free education for children
  • Body cameras and regulations for their use

Debate speech

The main feature of the debate speech is the strict set of rules it should comply with in order to qualify. This is quite a demanding and complicated type of speech to deal with. Nonetheless, a little effort, experience, knowledge, and skills can do wonders. During a debate, all sides will have the same amount of time to convey the message and persuade the audience. Thus, it's critical to mention the similarities the debate speech has with the persuasive speech.

A lot of relevant facts, statistics, and other information that could support the statement and become sufficient evidence is indispensable. At the same time, there are multiple discrepancies that keep debate speech unique. The writer does not have to convince the audience directly, but rather use effective tools for the speech to sound appealing and convincing.

Do you need to choose the best topic for your debate speech? Here are a few ideas.

  • Animal testing: should it be prohibited
  • Capital punishment and its peculiarities
  • Should vaccination be mandatory?

Motivational speech

As the name implies, motivational speech is about inspiring and empowering the audience. The speaker should make the maximum effort to deliver a motivational speech in the way the attendees become much more confident in their skills, competence, and worldview. In writing a motivational speech, it is fundamental to consider the most effective ways to lift the spirits and enhance the self-esteem of those who will listen to it. It should become a little link that is indispensable for the achievement of life goals. Motivational speeches can be used in various settings, including educational facilities, workplaces, and special coach sessions.

What does a good topic for the motivational speech look like?

  • Tips on how to build resilience and perseverance
  • Academic achievements boosting self-confidence
  • Goal setting: effective tips and recommendations

Explanatory speech

The main idea of the explanatory speech is to describe a specific thing or situation. This type of text resembles the demonstrative speech in many aspects, yet it provides a comprehensive breakdown of how to deal with the undertakings. In the vast majority of instances, this type of speech offers a consistent step-by-step guide to a specific process. There is no visual link with the described item, so it is indispensable to use all the most effective speech patterns to achieve the desired results and share the message with the readers.

How can a student choose a beneficial topic?

  • How to start a small garden at home?
  • Healthy eating habits and the quality of life
  • CPR and its basics

Dedication speech

Unlike the vast majority of speech types, this one does not require a long preparation and flawless structure. It is nothing similar to a persuasive speech or a motivational speech, as its goal is to emphasize the prominence of the discussed issue, subject, or event. The dedication speech is delivered when something new opens, launches, or pops up on the market. The dedication messages are divided into toasts and roasts, which differ in the conveyed message, length, and goal.

How can a good topic of the dedication speech sound?

  • Playing tribute to courage and human bravery
  • Eulogy for a friend
  • Tributing the contribution of a single parent

Pitch speech

Have you created a new product? Are you ready to share your idea with the world? Pitch speech is similar to informative speech in terms of data presentation, but it should also contain some elements of persuasive speech. Rhetoric sentences may be used to encourage the audience to think about the prominence of the product. Share a quick personal summary and highlight the advantages of the goods you offer.

Do you want to come up with a decent pitch speech? Here are some topics to use as samples.

  • Why ban single-use plastics?
  • Should voting be optional or mandatory?
  • Why ban the use of phones in schools?

Extemporaneous speech

Does this type of speech have something to do with entertainment speech? Or does it have much in common with demonstrative speech? Alas, it is linked to educational, political, and business settings, requiring impeccable structure, flawless delivery, and zero mistakes.
The main idea of extemporaneous speech is to deliver a well-structured and comprehensive message in a free form. There is no need to provide a fully scriptured text, so the presentation can be quite spontaneous.

How do you choose the topic for the extemporaneous speech? Here are a few ideas to mind.

  • Why is it inevitable to study?
  • Can coffee at night improve concentration?
  • What is the origin of coronavirus?

Tips for speech research

No matter if you are working on an entertaining speech, oratorical speech, or any other option, flawless speaking skills are indispensable for great delivery, while eloquent language and awareness of basic writing tools are critical for impeccable writing. Do you still doubt your ability to deliver a well-structured, consistent, and impressive demonstrative speech? Do you keep struggling with motivational speech? Here are a few simple tips that will guide you to the desired results and will contribute to the quality of your debate speech or any other type.

  • Mind the audience
  • Focus on the cultural, social, political, economic, and other aspects
  • Consider the event and venue
  • Stay concentrated on the topic
  • Use credible data sources
  • Your acts matter, so mind your behavior

Getting an excellent speech written by experts

No matter if you have to come up with a flawless entertaining speech or any other type of project, you may get overwhelmed with the requirements and specifications. Analyzing the audience, focusing on the context, and minding other aspects may be insufficient for the achievement of the necessary result.

Still, the struggle is real if you happen to find a reliable and reputable online essay-writing platform. Browse the web to read top essay writing reviews and single out the platforms you can trust. Once you find real experts, they will be able to cope with the most complicated types of projects quickly and at reasonable costs. Check out a comprehensive speedypaper review if you do not have much time for analysis and you want to get your assignment accomplished right away.


Do you keep working on your entertaining speech? Are you concerned about the elements to include in the persuasive speech? Analyze the information mentioned in the guide, read multiple examples, and relish an opportunity to advance your writing skills, and enhance your chances to succeed with the most demanding and complicated assignments.


If you have always been convinced that demonstrative speech, persuasive speech, and debate speech were the only ones available, you have been mistaken. In fact, by analyzing various types of speeches, it is possible to single out at least 15 different elements.

According to the information mentioned above, there are a lot of different types of speeches that vary a lot depending on their styles, forms, and objectives. However, it is possible to assume that persuasive speech, informative speech, and demonstrative speech are the three most commonly used types.

When it comes to public speaking, the available types of speeches may be a bit different. They are usually reduced to formal and informal. In some cases, they can also be frozen, consultative, and intimate.