Executive Summary

The Key Features of WriteMyEssays
based on ScamFighter
Online Reputation Online Reputation
Minimal deadline Minimal deadline
Customer Support Customer Support
Free Revisions Free Revisions
Minimal price Minimal price
Free Plagiarism Report Free Plagiarism Report
Discount Available Discount
15% on your first order, 10% on your second order
Years in Business Years in Business

Knowing that I would get a custom paper before the deadline arrived, I allowed myself to be swept up by these promises. However, I knew that I had to assess Writemyessays.net based on very harsh criteria if I wanted to conduct the expert’s writing style analysis in full detail. If you are a curious type and would like to know more about the methods my Scamfighter team uses to test the top essay writing services, I’d be happy to share that precious knowledge. Is this Writemyessays review going to be positive? The service is not a scam, but it does have major drawbacks that prevent me from calling it reliable.

Is Writemyessays legit? The service is not a complete scam in the traditional sense of the word, yet it does nothing to maintain its reputation as a paper writing company that knows how to cater to all of its customers. What do we really know about Writemyessays and its experts? The company has three revisions allowed, while also promising no AI writing, affordable prices, and confidentiality. However, the real question is whether Writemyessays.net is capable of improving your grades. The short answer is no. I have ordered a sociology paper from the service and expected it to be done in 6 days. However, the company did nothing to improve my grades and help me with my written assignment, considering how I had to ask for revisions repeatedly.

Paper The role of social media in students’ life
Academic level Undergraduate
Paper format MLA
Deadline 4 days
Paper instructions Examine the role of social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter on students’ academic performance, socialization, and mental health. Support the essay with sociological theories and recent studies. Provide real-life examples and statistical data to support the argument.

Info Pros and Cons


  • Writemyessays.net allows you to communicate with the writer


  • The prices are too high
  • The quality is not satisfactory
  • The support is not very fast
  • The money-back policy is obscure
  • The papers are not 100% original

Info  Online Reputation

So, what do most Writemyessays reviews say about the service? One of the reviewers states that Writemyessays wasted their time by providing a paper that was riddled with silly mistakes and plagiarized content. As a result, the customer got in trouble and did not receive the desired grade, which is a shame for someone trying their best in offline and online classes.

Is Writemyessays reliable? Let’s look at other reviews of the service. The next review on Writemyessays essay writing services talks about the complete inadequacy of the service’s top writer. They hired what seemed like a professional writer, the best in the writing industry according to Writemyessays.net, and the outcome was an essay composed at a middle school level. Another Writemyessays review from a student's perspective is even more shocking, with the customer having to rewrite the paper for 5 hours to make it look more or less adequate. This further solidified my opinion about Writemyessays.net writing services as utterly unreliable. As you can see, the real experiences of Writemyessay customers are not great.

Info Ordering Process

The process of ordering from Writemyessays.net needs a special mention. After all, Writemyessays.net is a writing service that says that the process of submitting a form on the site will only take several minutes. My Scamfighter team and I have decided to test that. Here is how it went:

  • There is a mini-version of the order form on the main page of Writemyessays.net. After clicking on it, I was transported to the order page.
  • I started submitting the form for my Writemyessays review, including the type of service, type of paper, and academic level that I wanted.
  • Next, I selected the number of pages, the desired spacing, the deadline, and the topic of my future paper.
  • The paper details were not complicated: I mentioned the paper’s title, as well as provided a more detailed description of what I wanted to get from the order on the site. So, I needed a sociology paper with a 4-day deadline, delving into the role of media in students’ life. I wanted the writers to support the paper with recent studies, which I also emphasized in my instructions.
  • Is Writemyessays reliable? After I provided the details for my paper, I was redirected to the payment page, where the total price for my order was set at 30 USD. However, this was the most basic order type that did not include a plagiarism report that cost 9.99 USD, a customer service for 14.99 USD, and an abstract page for 14.99 USD.

Info Pricing and Discounts

In the Writemyessays.net reviews that I have come across online, users mentioned that the prices on the service seemed okay initially, but the more extras they kept adding to the assignment, the higher the paper turned out to be. This was true for my order as well, so I decided to stick to the bare minimum and choose the basic writer, with the assignment fee for my sociology task established at 30 USD. The pricing range at Writemyessays starts at 9 USD for a high school paper with a 14-day deadline. The fastest they promise to do your assignments is three hours, and then the price for a single page can reach 28 USD. Based on Writemyessays reviews that analyze the platform’s prices, it is easy to conclude that the service has quite a steep pricing list for a company that says it accommodates students.

Academic level Price
High school From 9 USD and higher (14-day deadline)
Undergraduate From 13 USD and higher (14-day deadline)
Bachelor From 18 USD and higher (14-day deadline)
Master From 19 USD and higher (14-day deadline)
PhD From 21 USD and higher (14-day deadline)
Admission help From 39 USD and higher (14-day deadline)

There are other essay writing services that will help you with your homework and exam taking but will also ensure you do not spend all of your budget on written texts:

Name of the service Price for 1 Page
Writepaperfor.me Starting from 5 USD
Speedypaper.com Starting from 7 USD
Essaymarket.net Starting from 10 USD
Essaypro Starting from 12 USD

Info Paper Quality

Is Writemyessays scam? I wouldn't say that the platform is entirely a scam, but I discovered that my paper had plagiarism issues as soon as I received the final draft. The service representatives kept feeding me lies about the complete originality of their custom-made essays, but I could tell that a few of the paragraphs were near-direct copies of other people’s research papers. The plagiarism check that I did for this Writemyessays review reported around 12% plagiarism, which is never a good sign for a platform claiming to be committed to authenticity.

Info Customer Support

Most Writemyessays.net reviews do not mention this, but my Scamfighter team pointed out that the service does not have a very helpful customer support team. Although they seemingly wanted to continue the dialog that I initiated, they mostly responded with very standard answers and did not deliver enough information about the service. There wasn’t any personal touch with any of the agents. I'm pretty sure I was talking to a real human, but the responses were mostly robotic and lacked any commitment. Plus, I was frustrated by the back-and-forth between different managers that I had to talk to in order to get my questions answered.

Stage Criteria Comment Score (0-5)
Initiating contact Who initiates chat Client -
Initiating contact Response speed Response in about 2 minutes 3
Establishing contact Adequacy of the first message Responds politely but without a personal touch 3
Identifying needs Answers to client questions Responds quickly but I wanted a longer answer 3
Extra assistance Offers help in placing an order No 1

Info Types of Services

Writemyessays.net writing services have a range of academic assignment help that varies from essay writing to homework help and report writing, with a seemingly broad choice of paper types that you can choose from. This Write My Essays review will help you understand the scope of academic tasks that the brand provides.

Academic Writing Editing Other Services
  • Essay writing
  • Research paper writing
  • Dissertations
  • Term Paper
  • Coursework
  • Book reports
  • Homework
  • All paper types
  • Lab reports
  • Business plans
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Annotated bibliographies

Info Extra Features

Why do you need this Write My Essays review if it makes no mention of the company’s features? I am here to shed light on some of the platform’s most popular extras that can be accessed online. I have noticed that Writemyessays has free samples available, which means you can decide whether the writer has enough qualifications for your order based on their previous accomplishments. However, I find this feature to be highly questionable, since there is no tangible proof that these samples are not merely copied or run through a paraphrasing app to make them sound authentic.

Info Guarantees and Safety

Is Writemyessays reliable? The platform makes all these grand proclamations about being 100% confidential, but there is no guarantee that they do not sell already written papers to third parties. Besides, if the quality of the papers is so underwhelming, the company’s originality guarantee is also meaningless. A reliable service would never produce a paper that needs to be corrected after the revisions have been made.

Info Revision and Money Back Policy

According to the revision policy at Writemyessays.net, you can ask for a full refund if the author fails to deliver a decent paper or completely ignores your recommendations. However, the revision policy on the site is somewhat muddled. For instance, Writemyessays claims that they will revise your text if you remain dissatisfied with the service. However, it seems that the process of submitting my text for a proper revision took longer than the actual writing process. The changes that the author made did not improve the quality of the essay. The same cannot be said about Writepaperfor.me - the kind of service that will always go out of its way to provide you with a top-notch online revision.

Info Mobile Application

This Writemyessays.net review confirms that the company does not have a mobile app that the customers can use to monitor the progress of their orders. I consider this to be a huge letdown and an ultimate drawback, since you don’t have an opportunity to check the status of your assignment when you are on the go.


Can you trust Write My Essays with your papers? This Write My Essays review proves that you cannot trust the essay writing service with your papers. The quality of the papers does not match the price tag that the company puts on all of its offers.
Does Write My Essays provide revisions? Although the company states that it will provide a free revision to someone who is not satisfied with the paper quality, I had a chance to examine the platform’s revision policy, and I found it deeply disappointing.
Is customer support at Write My Essays helpful? Although the customer support agents at Write My Essays were very polite and indeed user-friendly, they did not provide me with enough details and information about the service.

Why is ScamFighter a trusted source of information?

ScamFighter is a trusted source of information because it is built on expertise, transparency, and fairness. Our team, made up of industry professionals and former ghostwriters, brings a deep understanding of the academic writing industry. We follow a strict, objective evaluation process based on clear criteria to ensure accurate and reliable writing service reviews. By uncovering hidden details and providing honest assessments, we help users make informed decisions. With a commitment to fairness and user-focused guidance, ScamFighter stands out as a reliable review platform you can trust!

About the author

john milovich

Hi there✋ My name is John and this is my project. I was both a customer while at college and worked as a freelance writer for dozens of essay mills. I know the essay business inside out and got something valuable to share with you.

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