WritePaper is rated 3.9 by ScamFighter and is not on our TOP Writing Services

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Executive Summary

The Key Features of WritePaper
based on ScamFighter
Online Reputation Online Reputation
Minimal deadline Minimal deadline
Customer Support Customer Support
Free Revisions Free Revisions
Minimal price Minimal price
Free Plagiarism Report Free Plagiarism Report
Discount Available Discount
up to 15%
Years in Business Years in Business

Write Paper may seem like a decent service based on the ads and benefits that are heavily promoted on the website’s homepage, but in the end, all this fanfare amounts to nothing, as they are not willing to help you out even with the simplest of tasks. I have to confess that I was very liberal with my initial judgment of the service, selecting the simple academic paper type (a 4-page college essay) and providing the writer with detailed instructions on what I wanted my paper to look like (including links to similar papers and relevant sources they could borrow inspiration from). Still, the assignment that I received from Write Paper was mediocre at best, with the support doing nothing to resolve my issues. I could not get a full refund because the writer claimed they followed all the instructions, which was not true at all. Before I could get at least a part of my funds back, I had to spend a lot of energy on meaningless conversations with the support team, which stressed me out to no end. As a result, I cannot recommend the service to customers.

Info Service Review

The first wake-up call that I got from WritePaper was their inability to prove the writer’s qualifications when I started voicing my complaints about the originality of my assignment. In addition, the company’s representatives could not provide me with a clear answer about the platform’s history, so I had to take them at their word when they told me they were a US-based business. However, my suspicions were once again confirmed when I started analyzing the college essay I got from WritePaper. 

This was clearly not the kind of paper you would expect from a degree-holding writer with all the necessary credentials and vast experience in writing college assignments. The essay lacked coherence and structure, which made me think all the positive reviews I found on WritePaper were fabricated. While the platform’s homepage is full of enticing promises like plagiarism-free papers and a team of professional writers at your service, I got an assignment that was riddled with errors, with the company’s representatives constantly finding loopholes to stop me from learning more information about the platform. Such an underwhelming experience forced me to agree with other WritePaper.com reviews and mark this service as unreliable. In comparison with WritePaperFor.Me, which made me feel like a VIP customer every time I visited and provided me with 100% authentic papers whenever I submitted an order form, WritePaper.com seems like a complete ripoff. I got a solid impression that WritePaper couldn’t care less about hiring professionals, allowing writers with zero experience to place bids for college papers.

Info Pros and Cons


  • You won’t find a shortage of bidders once you place your order at WritePaper


  • Live chat support seems to be answering on a whim, with 5-minute pauses between answers and unclear responses, despite its claims to work like a clock
  • WritePaper reviews on the site are specifically manipulated to highlight the benefits of the service that do not match the reality of using the platform 
  • The quality of the paper leaves much to be desired, forcing customers to do their own revisions, as the writer is unable to fix their own mistakes
  • Many users, including myself, failed to get a proper refund from WritePaper, with the support trying to find shortcuts to avoid paying you back
  • The writers completely ignore your instructions and make the paper sound robotic as if it was generated by artificial intelligence

Info  Online Reputation

So, what do the customers have to say about WritePaper.com and their approach to online assignments? As I started investigating, I noticed that all WritePaper.com reviews on Trustpilot are positive, with the last customer entry dating to 2020. This immediately struck me as weird, especially if you consider the fact that no one commented on the company’s writing for several years. I was not convinced by the excessive amount of praise, so I had to obtain a second opinion on Sitejabber. This is where I found a series of more trustworthy WritePaper reviews, one of which stated that the final product had nothing in common with the high standard of academic writing expected from a professional writer. The paper was so bad that it lacked any cohesive structure or argument and could only damage the reputation of someone who was bold enough to hand it in and present it as scholarly work:

Online Reputation

As you can see, this WritePaper review was published this year, so it goes against the positive feedback that you can see on the company’s site and makes me think that WritePaper is hiding the real user testimonials on purpose in hopes that the regular buyers will be fooled by the website’s hollow promises. Another customer review on Sitejabber suggests that WritePaper.com writers do not bother reading the prompts and instructions. Moreover, they take the assignment and keep spamming you with messages even though they do not complete the actual work. Here is how it went:

Online Reputation

Another WritePaper review that caught my attention stated that the writer went against the instructions provided by the user and included information that was not relevant to the task at hand. What is more, the final version of the paper had some copied and pasted content, so it could not be used in academic work. The reviewer was so disappointed that they had to delete the assignment from Write Paper and write it from scratch. Can you imagine the customer’s dissatisfaction when they realized they had to start from zero to make sure their grades don’t suffer? Here is what the customer says about their experience with WritePaper:


This situation is in stark contrast with what you will encounter at WritePaperFor.me, where you will never be forced to rewrite your own paper just because the expert in charge failed to do so. Here, the writing professional will provide you with the assistance you need without resorting to underhanded tactics or using AI-generated content.

Info Pricing and Discounts

Pricing and Discounts

WritePaper has a pricing system that includes bids from multiple writers. Apparently, there are no fixed costs on the website, which means you have to carefully examine the bids submitted for your order and choose one that fits your budget. Sounds simple, right? However, the entire bidding process on Write Paper is as murky as the rest of the site.

As I said, the bids were coming in so fast that I initially thought it to be the only good thing I could include in this Write Paper review. You can imagine my disappointment when I was charged the same amount by every writer who placed a bid on my order, a 4-page college essay with a 24-hour turnaround time. I always thought that the bidding system meant I would have the freedom of choice to pick between lower and higher fees, but if you are stuck with the same price from several different writers, there is no point in bidding.

The customer support agent provided me with a discount code I could use on my first order, but it soon became apparent that it was a one-time incentive only reserved for new customers. I ended up paying $48.45 for my WritePaper order, which seemed to be the only available price for my college assignment despite all claims about payment flexibility.

Info Ordering Process

Ordering Process

The next step of my Write Paper review was to illuminate the ordering process. Although the order form is quite simple, and it took me a few minutes to submit all the details (a 4-page college essay that has to feature a character study on the show called The Witcher: Blood Origin), it was the next part of the ordering process that was extremely dissatisfying. First of all, the bids for my order started arriving really fast, so I immediately had serious doubts about whether the experts read my instructions.

There is no way they could have skimmed through my order details so quickly. Another red flag that I didn’t particularly like was the fact that WritePaper has zero writer categories. Normally, there are some writer rankings available at an essay writing service, like pro writers, top writers, and so on. Here, the writers are only ranked by their success rate (100%, 99%), which can be easily manipulated. Plus, some writers who submitted bids for my paper canceled just as quickly, which made me wonder why they were bidding in the first place.

Info Paper Quality

I have read a number of WritePaper reviews saying that the paper quality the company provides is inferior to other writing services in the industry. However, I was determined to give this service one more chance despite its bidding system being a waste of time. I had to choose the $48.45 bid from one of the writers who said that he was familiar with show and movie reviews and could deliver a 4-page college essay in 24 hours. I agreed to the bid because he seemed very confident about his ability to finish the assignment on time and convinced me that he read my instructions.
The paper that I ordered had to feature a detailed characterization of all the protagonists, antagonists, and villains of the show The Witcher: Blood Origin, and required the writer to watch at least one episode and read the series synopsis. As soon as I opened my WritePaper order, I was blown away by the lack of coherent structure. It was a compilation of random facts about the show that had nothing in common with the paper instructions and specific prompts that I provided.

The essay did not feature a character analysis, either. If my grades indeed depended on this college essay, I would have to turn it in later than everyone in class because it would take me hours to write the paper myself. The writer deliberately glossed over the fact that he had not read my instructions and pretended to be an expert on the subject just to secure me as a client. This would never happen to someone who regularly orders papers from WritePaperFor.me, with customers having a solid backup in the form of an experienced writing team that always delivers papers on time, demonstrating a high level of quality in the process.

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Info Plagiarism

WritePaper customer support told me that I could get a free plagiarism report attached to my paper after the writer completed the order. They also informed me that WritePaper uses credible software to detect plagiarism and does not tolerate copied and pasted content. When I repeatedly reminded the support team about my originality report, they provided me with one that had a similarity check of 8%. 

However, the WritePaper.com report that I received held little credibility because I knew that the first paragraph of my essay was taken straight out of Wikipedia, so the 8% similarity score was too low for an assignment with a plagiarized introduction. I did my own research and ran the paper through a Turnitin plagiarism checker, which showed me that it contained 30% copied content - an unacceptable rate for a college essay that has to be delivered by a hardworking student. When I used WritePaperFor.me as a writing assistant, I was delivered a 100% original paper that was not only human-written but also customized to meet my demands.

Info Customer Support

Customer Support

Customer support at WritePaper is another aspect of the service that failed to solve my problems effectively. Although WritePaper.com wants to convince us that they work 24/7, this was not the impression that I got from the support team. Every time I posed a question to the support agent via a live chat window, there seemed to be a 5-minute delay between my inquiry and the answer provided by the support. They also chose to answer my questions selectively, replying to only one of my inquiries out of three, which made me think that I was talking to a bot.

There was this one time when I wanted to know more about the writer’s academic degree and qualifications, and I was basically ignored by the live chat support for nearly half an hour. I have previously read WritePaper.com reviews saying that the support team did not want to cooperate, but I never knew I would be forced to wait 30 minutes until someone resolved my issue. What made me even more dissatisfied with WritePaper was the fact that there were clearly live chat support agents online. Still, they chose to ignore me on purpose until the chat was closed automatically.

Info Types of Services

WritePaper claims they can handle all types of academic tasks, from essays and case studies to reports and research papers. They also promise to deliver presentations, literature reviews, business plans, movie reviews, dissertations, term papers, admission essays, and book reviews. You can also order editing and proofreading services from the company. However, judging by my own experience and the quality of the essay that they delivered after promising to provide me with detailed research on the topic, I highly advise against using WritePaper in this WritePaper review.

Info Guarantees and Safety

Guarantees and Safety

To make sure this WritePaper review covers all aspects of the writing service, I have to inform you about its safety. Even though the company claims that you can always read essay samples from a particular writer to know if they are reliable, I find this to be a weak argument. After all, we have no idea of knowing whether the essay samples put on display belong to the said author and are not copied from an unknown source. WritePaper.com also claims they will never share your private information and will always guarantee your online payment security, but again, there is no evidence they are indeed honest with their clients. My payment seemed to go through at once. However, I found it suspicious that they only have a limited number of payment options for me to choose from.

Info Extra Features

Extra features include getting a plagiarism report for free, as well as free formatting, outline, and title page. From what I read in other Write Paper reviews, however, none of these features make a difference when you are presented with a poorly-written task and have to fix the most basic grammar mistakes in your free time. I have no idea why they included the outline and the formatting in the list of available features since my college essay lacked any logical structure and was not properly formatted.

Info Revision and Money Back Policy

With Write Paper reviews claiming that the revision and money-back policies on the site were tricky, I have decided to check the case for myself. Indeed, you can only receive a free revision if you request it within 14 days after the order is delivered. When I asked if my paper could be revised by the same writer, I was informed that I had to wait a few days before they were available, which did not sit right with me. If someone who orders a paper needs it to be completed in 24 hours, they won’t have time to wait for such a long revision.

In addition, customers will be provided with a 100% refund if the expert was not assigned to their order. In other instances, such as late order cancellation or late order delivery, customers might be provided with a partial refund of up to 70%. WritePaper.com claims that such cases can be a subject of dispute, which means you will never know if you are going to receive a proper refund if the expert did not deliver on time.

Info Mobile Application

This Write Paper review would not be properly summarized if I didn’t mention WritePaper.com and its lack of a mobile application. I consider this to be a downside for a writing service that values its presence on the market. With so many students ordering college assignments on the go, the absence of a proper mobile app you can access on your smartphone seems like a serious drawback

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