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Guide by an Essay Writer to Avoid Writing Mistakes

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

When I was a student, I grappled with college essay mistakes. I know the frustration! Over time, I've honed my skills and am eager to share insights. While seeking assistance, platforms like SpeedyPaper essay services can provide valuable support. Mistakes are common, but learning from them can set you apart.

What Makes Bad College Essays Bad

Essay mistakes aren't just about grammar. Often, it's about the message. Maybe it's unclear or off-topic. Sometimes, essays lack depth. It's crucial to connect with your reader. Let's check the key nuances that become key obstacles on the way to ideal papers.

Problems With the Topic

I once wrote an essay without fully grasping the topic. It's a common pitfall. Selecting the wrong topic can lead to a weak learning from mistakes essay. Always ensure your topic aligns with the assignment's intent. It makes a difference!

How to avoid:

  • Analyze what the professor requires of you.
  • Select a topic that you are passionate about and aligns with the prompt.
  • Avoid overly broad subjects that make it hard to provide focused arguments.
  • Ensure your topic allows for an insightful discussion rather than just summarizing information.

Problems With the Execution

Crafting a stellar essay goes beyond a great topic. Execution matters. Many times, students have golden ideas but falter in delivery. An essay on mistakes can highlight that the devil is often in the details. These flaws can overshadow your core message, from inconsistent arguments to jumbled structures. Focusing on a clear, coherent presentation is vital. So, ensure each paragraph supports your thesis and maintains flow. It'll elevate your piece immensely.

How to avoid:

  • Develop a clear thesis statement to guide your essay structure.
  • Use transitions to maintain a logical flow of ideas.
  • Support your points with concrete evidence and examples.
  • Conclude each section clearly to reinforce your main arguments.

College Essay Topics To Avoid

Selecting the right topic is half the battle in "avoiding a mistakes essay." Some subjects seem appealing but can lead to subpar essays if not approached wisely. It's pivotal to choose themes that highlight your strengths, not overshadow them.

Too Personal

Discussing personal experiences can add depth. However, overly intimate details might not fit an academic setting. An essay delving into why mistakes are important essay should strike a balance. Sharing is good but remember: not every personal story suits a college essay's purpose. Aim for relevance and discretion.

How to avoid:

  • Choose topics that allow personal insight while maintaining professional boundaries.
  • Use personal anecdotes to support broader points rather than making the essay solely about personal experiences.
  • Avoid including details that may be too intimate or irrelevant to the essay's academic focus.
  • Ensure your personal stories enhance the essay's theme and convey your educational or intellectual insights.

Too Revealing of Bad Judgment

Every student has had moments of flawed judgment. While some can make for interesting tales, they might not always present you in the best light. For instance, if you're considering using a research paper thesis generator, be cautious about discussing times when you relied solely on automated tools. Instead, focus on personal growth and understanding from such experiences. Admissions officers appreciate honesty but also value maturity and the ability to learn from missteps. Choose topics that reflect both.

How to avoid:

  • Opt for stories that show resilience and learning rather than focusing solely on poor decisions.
  • Highlight the positive outcomes or growth resulting from past mistakes, demonstrating reflection and maturity.
  • Avoid dwelling on negative aspects of your past that do not show a journey of improvement or learning.
  • Frame any discussions of past misjudgments within the context of life lessons and personal development.

Too Overconfident

Confidence is commendable, but overconfidence can backfire, especially in essays. Claiming you never make mistakes or touting perfection can seem disingenuous. Imagine discussing your prowess in writing, but your essay is riddled with grammatical errors. It undermines your credibility. Always approach topics with humility. Recognize your growth areas, and be open to feedback. It demonstrates self-awareness, a trait colleges value highly. Balance confidence with genuine self-reflection. It's the key to a compelling essay.

How to avoid:

  • Avoid topics implying you are above making mistakes or learning from others.
  • Choose subjects that demonstrate your willingness to grow and learn, showing humility.
  • Discuss achievements or strengths while acknowledging the contributions of others or the continuous need for learning.
  • Present a balanced view of your abilities, acknowledging both strengths and areas for growth.

Too Clichéd or Boring

Many essays fall into the trap of using worn-out phrases or themes. Just like overusing the comprise synonym, redundancy can dilute your essay's impact. Common clichés to avoid:

  • I learned the value of hard work from sports.
  • Volunteering changed my life.
  • I want to change the world.
  • This challenge made me stronger.

While these themes aren't inherently bad, they need a unique twist. Bring your individual experiences to the forefront. Make your narrative distinct. Stand out by being genuine and sharing fresh perspectives.

Too Off-Topic

Staying on topic is vital for a coherent essay. Drifting away can confuse your reader and weaken your overall argument. Imagine being asked about your academic aspirations but digressing into a detailed discussion about your favorite vacation. Along the same lines, if you're elaborating on a specific experience, ensure you don't introduce unrelated grammar errors. These can detract from your main point. Always review your essay with the prompt in mind. Streamline your content, ensuring every sentence aligns with the core message.

How to avoid:

  • Select topics directly related to the prompt, ensuring all discussion points relate to the main question.
  • Avoid digressions by planning your essay structure and sticking to the outline.
  • Remove any content that does not directly contribute to answering the essay prompt.
  • Continuously refer to the prompt during writing to ensure relevance and focus.

Too Offensive

A college essay should be a platform for constructive expression, not one that alienates or offends readers. While it's essential to voice opinions, it's equally crucial to maintain respect and sensitivity. Treading into contentious topics without tact can lead to common essay mistakes. Avoid generalizations, stereotypes, or any remarks perceived as derogatory. Being mindful of diverse perspectives will enhance your essay's appeal and demonstrate your maturity and global outlook. Strive for understanding and inclusivity in your writing.

How to avoid:

  • Clear about controversial or sensitive topics that might offend or alienate your audience.
  • Maintaining a respectful and balanced perspective when discussing contentious issues and considering multiple viewpoints.
  • Avoid language or examples interpreted as insensitive or dismissive of other cultures, beliefs, or experiences.
  • Prioritize inclusivity and understanding in your topic choice and expression, ensuring your essay welcomes diverse perspectives.

College Essay Execution Problems To Avoid

Tackling a college essay can be daunting. Yet, beyond picking a solid topic, execution is paramount. Missteps in essay construction can turn a promising piece into a lackluster read. Knowing where students often falter in college writing can significantly enhance the final product.


In the flurry of preparing for the ACT, SAT, and other life milestones, maintaining the right tone in an essay can be overlooked. It's not just about what you say but how you say it. Striking the right balance between being informative and relatable is vital. An overly formal tone might appear robotic, while too casual might seem unprofessional. Ensure your tone matches your message and audience. Tailoring your voice can make your essay resonate more deeply with readers.

How to avoid:

  • Choose topics that are appropriate and sensitive to current social and cultural climates.
  • Adjust your tone to match the seriousness or fun of the topic, ensuring it resonates well with your audience.
  • Avoid jargon or technical language that may not be accessible to all readers, aiming for clarity and engagement.
  • Ensure your essay's tone reflects an understanding of the audience and the purpose of the assignment, avoiding a mismatch between your message and the way it is delivered.

Lack of Personality

In the sea of admissions essays, infusing yours with personality can set it apart. Often, essays get lost in facts and miss showcasing the writer's unique character. Don't let your essay become one-dimensional. Here are some traits that add personality:

  1. Humor.
  2. Curiosity.
  3. Passion.
  4. Resilience.
  5. Empathy.

People connect with stories and emotions. Let the admissions team get a glimpse of the person behind the achievements. Show them why you're a fit and a valuable addition to their community.

Off-Kilter Style

An effective essay isn't just about the substance; style plays a pivotal role, too. Diverging too far from conventional norms can make your essay hard to follow or even off-putting. For instance, excessively ornate language or overuse of jargon can alienate readers. While having a unique voice is commendable, it's crucial to ensure clarity and accessibility.

A bad style can overshadow brilliant ideas, making it difficult for the reader to grasp the essence of what you're trying to convey. As an author, the goal is to write and communicate effectively. Achieving a balance between distinctiveness and clarity is key to a memorable essay.

Failure to Proofread

One of the most overlooked steps in crafting essays is the final polish. You've brainstormed, outlined, and poured your thoughts onto the page. Yet, minor errors can detract from your hard work without diligent proofreading. These mistakes can signal that you're not attentive to detail or didn't invest adequate prep time.

Grammar glitches, spelling missteps, or structural issues can divert attention from your core message. Always allocate time for thorough review. Read aloud, use tech tools, or even seek a second opinion. Ensuring your essays are error-free showcases your dedication and commitment to presenting your best self.

How to Fix Bad College Essays

Turning around a subpar essay isn't just about boosting your chances of admission; it's about mastering a skill that'll serve you well in the academic world and beyond. Firstly, seek feedback. Fresh eyes can spot issues you've overlooked. Remember, it's not about the number of drafts but the quality of the final product.

Dive deep into the content. Does it resonate with the prompt? Are there clear arguments supported by relevant examples? In the world of academia, content is king. Lastly, keep the big picture in mind. Each essay is a piece of the puzzle, aiming to improve your overall score in the admissions process. Be genuinely focused, and always strive for clarity.



Common essay writing mistakes include choosing inappropriate topics, not following the prompt, and overlooking grammar or structural issues. It's always beneficial to consult an expert for guidance.

Start with a clear thesis, ensure each paragraph supports this central point, and utilize transition words to enhance flow and coherence.

Always cite your sources properly, and when in doubt, run your essay through plagiarism detection software to ensure its authenticity.