Top Editing Services

Top Editing Services in 2024
John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

It's difficult to deny that even after the strenuous efforts that a student puts in, investing a significant amount of time and energy, the resulting academic paper might still harbor unnoticed inaccuracies or errors. This predicament is even more pronounced for students whose primary language isn't English. Due to their limited comprehension of the nuanced meanings embedded in the English language, they often overlook these errors, unable to spot the subtle inaccuracies that might creep into their writing.

The fallout from these mistakes is a grade that falls short of their expectations. Nevertheless, their papers could reach perfection with a small piece of advice or a helpful hint about what needs to be changed. That's where paper editing services step in, creating a valuable buffer between the student and their grading teacher. These services offer a precious opportunity for the students to make necessary amendments to their work before it is subjected to the final judgment.

Among the various paper editing services, the best editing services online provide exceptional help. They meticulously go through each part of the paper, ensuring that every sentence adheres to the required standards of academic writing. Thanks to these services, students can identify their mistakes, learn from them, and prevent them from reoccurring in their future writing tasks.

Specifically, the best essay editing service can be an indispensable resource for students aiming to produce flawless academic papers. By providing meticulous proofreading and detailed feedback, these services help students improve their writing skills, boosting their academic performance. In this way, they serve as a critical tool for students seeking to excel in their academic endeavors.

Some may wonder whether such kind of assistance is acceptable since students are supposed to cope with all academic challenges alone. And that is true, no doubts. Nevertheless, one should not view college essay editing services as the secret key which will open the door to academic success.

Companies like these can only make some improvements and eliminate mistakes. If the paper lacks facts, argumentations, statistics, and other important data, academic editing services can do nothing with that.

So, the statement that an editing service will solve all the academic problems is an exaggeration. They will certainly improve the quality of a document, but the larger part of work lies on the students’ shoulders.

Despite the fact that editing services cannot solve each and every academic issue, more and more students turn to them to get the guarantees that their assignments will sound good. It is always nice to have a reliable adviser who will point at your mistakes, help to eliminate them, and provide you with professional tips on how to polish your paper to perfection.

All these corrections are possible when you have a reputable and trustworthy editing service. Another question is how to find such a one. Check the following reviews of the most reliable editing services. Compare their strong and weak sides, and give preference to the one which fully satisfies your requirements.

1. MyPaperEdit - 5/5


MyPaperEdit is a company which provides three types of proofreading assistance from a simple check of grammar mistakes or missed commas to heavy editing which includes paraphrasing.

This service is the right choice for those who want to ensure that their paper is free of mistakes and for those who are not a native English speaker and needs somebody to make a paper sound more in an English manner. So, is mypaperedit good? Let’s have a look at their site.

Online Reputation

In assessing the credibility of this service, I first looked at online reviews to establish its trustworthiness. An initial scan involved a search for Mypaperedit reviews on Reddit, a platform known for its active user engagement. However, my efforts yielded no results concerning the company on this forum.

Despite the initial setback, I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a feedback comment on Sitejabber. While it was a singular review, it was a good starting point in my investigation. The lack of a substantial number of Mypaperedit reviews on this and other platforms could be attributed to the relative novelty of this service in the market.

The absence of more reviews prompts one to ponder the service's standing amongst the best paper editing services. Can it truly be classified among the top-tier providers? More data, preferably in the form of user reviews, is needed to reach a firm conclusion. Although informative, the single feedback comment on Sitejabber is not substantial enough to solidly position it amongst the best paper editing service providers.

It is critical, however, not to discount the service due to a limited number of reviews. The service's novelty could be a plausible explanation, leaving the door open for potential recognition as it establishes its footprint in the field.


I recently opted to use this essay editing service to assess their editors' proficiency personally. For this experiment, I specifically chose a service offering that included proofreading and formatting. To thoroughly examine their editing skills, I incorporated several deliberate grammar errors into the paper – some of these mistakes were elementary, while others were more complex and nuanced. This strategy was devised to determine whether the editors at the helm were novices or seasoned professionals.

To my surprise and satisfaction, the company excelled in my little test. Not only did the editors identify the intentional errors, but they also pinpointed a few additional mistakes which had slipped past my scrutiny. I was thoroughly pleased with the result. I could not identify a single overlooked error after reviewing the edited paper.

The meticulous attention to detail and the high-quality result suggest that they rank among the best proofreading services available. Their outstanding performance in identifying and correcting even the subtlest errors demonstrated a clear understanding and mastery of English.

Given my positive experience, I feel compelled to recommend this essay editing service to anyone needing comprehensive paper editing. While this is not a Createspace editing services review, this experience has left me confident in this company's abilities and its potential to help many more students achieve perfection in their written works.


The cost of 1 page depends on the type of service you select. Hence, if you only need a light version of proofreading which means that an editor will only fix grammar and punctuation mistakes, this will cost you $10 per page.

For a more serious approach which also involves formatting, you will pay 15 dollars per page. And the last option predetermines heavy editing, where an editor may rephrase and restructure some sentences in addition to the standard editing service.


Customer support was really fast and managed to answer each of my questions immediately. An agent was polite and professional, so I had a feeling that the company really wanted to help me with my document, unlike some other services whose supports seem to want to get rid of you as soon as possible.

2. CorrectMyWriting - 4.8/5


CorrectMyWriting is quite an ordinary proofreading and editing service. But who said that it is bad? When you are searching for someone to check your document for mistakes, all you need is a simple service that will provide you with high-quality editing results.

Unlike the previous service, here you won't find different types of editing assistance. You just need to select a type of paper you have, and an editor will do the full revision of your work.

Online Reputation

There are many correctmywriting reviews on Sitejabber and TrustPilot. A lot of positive feedback posts on each platform make me believe that this service is not a new one and you may rely on this site in a time of need. However, is correctmywriting good?

Can you rely on all those positive comments? To find out the truth, I decided to check my paper on this site, and here are the results I received.


In my quest to ascertain the quality of editing provided, I engaged the services of this company. I can affirmatively say that I was not met with disappointment. The outcome far exceeded my expectations, reinforcing the positive dissertation editing services reviews I had encountered.

The editor assigned to my work showcased commendable attention to detail. The process was not merely about identifying and rectifying errors. It extended beyond that, providing me with invaluable recommendations for enhancements in the phrasing of sentences or even entire sections of paragraphs. This fine-tuning approach was not limited to specific areas but spanned the entire document. Every word and sentence was scrutinized, ensuring my work was polished to the highest possible standard.

This attention to detail is a mark of a quality paper editor service. It wasn't just about fixing mistakes; the editor showed that they could delve into the subtleties of the text, identifying areas that could be enhanced or clarified. It elevated the overall quality of my work, transforming it from good to excellent.

Now, I will tell you about editing help from this service. The service turned out to be more than a simple proofreading exercise. It was a comprehensive editing journey that factored in my work's structure, coherence, and readability. The end product was a brilliant piece of polished and eloquent work. This quality delivery further solidified my belief in the positive dissertation editing services reviews I had initially encountered.


The cost of this service depends a lot on the academic level of the paper you need to have edited. For example, if it is a high school level, it will cost you 5 dollars per page. The price can go up to 7 dollars per page for an undergraduate level, while the PhD works may cost about 11 dollars. Another factor which influences the cost of the editing service is the deadline.

The shorter one you set, the more you should pay. Pricing may look a bit complicated, but you will quickly figure out the cost of the editing service for your paper using a very simple and comprehensive price calculator on the site.


Customer support works pretty well on this site. They are fast which is very important because sometimes you require immediate assistance. And they are qualified and can answer any of your questions within seconds without making you wait for long until they clarify your issue with somebody else.

3. Expert-Editing - 4.5/5


Expert-Editing is not a new service, and it has already helped hundreds of people all over the world to perfect their documents. The company has a team of 150 skillful editors, so there will always be somebody available to deal with even the most urgent task.

Expert-Editing has already improved over 10,000 documents, and the testimonials on their site prove the high level of satisfaction among its customers.

Online Reputation

There are not many expert-editing reviews on the web. You may find a few on SiteJabber, and they are all positive, but there’s nothing on TrustPilot or Reddit. Nevertheless, as I have mentioned above, there is customers’ feedback on the company’s site, so take these responses into account as well.  


So, is expert-editing good? The only way to check it for me was to ask for help from this service, which I did. My little personal investigation has shown the real face of this service, and I can admit now that they can do a pretty good job.

My document was edited by a professional expert who was much more skillful and experienced than me. Not a single error could miss his attentive and careful look.


There are two factors which influence the cost of this service. They are a deadline and an academic level of your paper. No need to say that the shortest deadline and the higher academic level you set, the more expensive the paper will be.

The minimum cost of 1 page is $5.98, but on average you will pay about 15 dollars for getting your document checked within 3-5 days.


A live chat is available on the site, so you are welcome to address any questions you have. Those who prefer communication over the phone may use a Skype call option to negotiate any details orally.

Other methods of communication are sending a message to an email address or calling via phone. In other words, the company gives you all the possible ways, so that you can contact them by any means at any time convenient for you.

4. Scribendi - 4.5/5


Scribendi is probably one of the oldest online editing services since the company was founded in 1997 by Chandra Clarke and Terry Johnson. Unlike other proofreading services which only eliminate mistakes and at best rephrase some sentences to make the document sound better, Scribendi’s mission is to help people wrap their ideas to turn the entire document into a true masterpiece.

The statistics provided on the company’s site are impressive beyond any doubt. Scribendi has edited over 1.6 billion words and completed about 400.000 orders. No need to say that they are good at what they do and why scribendi - editing and proofreading services for english documents are firmly associated with quality editing assistance.

Online Reputation

Despite the fact that scribendi reputation is strong, there are not that many reviews about this service on SiteJabber, and completely no scribendi reviews reddit. Nevertheless, you will find about 30 reviews on TrustPilot, and most of them are positive, though a few negative ones are also present, but that’s okay.


To ensure that all the good words that I had heard about this service were true, I decided to get help from Scribendi and asked them to check my document. I provided detailed instructions as they required and also asked an editor to rephrase any parts which he thought should be changed.

By the mentioned deadline, I got my edited work and was fully satisfied with it. My document contained a lot of improvements including some rephrased parts which indicated that my editor paid a lot of attention not only to mistakes but also to the context in my paper.


On the site, you will find a price calculator which will help you to figure out the cost of your paper. You need to indicate the amount of words and select the currency you want.

After that, you will be offered to choose the deadline which varies from 4 hours to 7 days. As you understand, the cost of an urgent editing service will cost you much more. However, if you are not in a hurry and have a week to wait, then be ready to pay at least $9 for the service.

If you are looking for a scribendi discount code, you will be disappointed to learn that this option is currently not available. An agent recommended me to provide them with my email address, so once they have a discount I will get a notification.


When I addressed the question in a live chat, I got an answer in a few seconds. I was satisfied with such an immediate reaction, but less then in 30 seconds, an agent apologized and explained that he had to assist other visitors. I was a bit confused by such an announcement since I had more questions to ask. So, I am a little disappointed with the work of this department.

5. Scribbr - 4/5


Scribbr creates an impression of a very professional and customer-oriented service with a solid online reputation. Once you visit this site, you’ll see that it is not one of those scammy companies run by some former students and created by a newbie developer. This site looks great indeed. But not only the visual aspect makes me believe that I can trust the scribbr proofreading service.

From the About Us page, you may learn that this company operates since 2012 and employs about 400 editors working in the office and remotely across the globe. You may also find Scribbr’s team with photos and even gifs of over 50 real people.

These are not images taken from some free photostocks. Hence, it seems that the company has nothing to hide from its customers. So, is scribbr legit? They look pretty trustworthy to me.

Online Reputation

If you need an honest scribbr review, you will find it, and even more than a single one, on TrustPilot. More than a thousand comments from customers, and what’s important, 95% of them have 5-stars, 4% have 4 stars, and only a couple of the rest have a lower rate. These statistics are excellent with no doubts, and not many companies can share the same result.

I was also surfing for scribbr reddit reviews, but this request was not successful since I found nothing. There were a couple of posts dedicated to scribbr plagiarism checker, but not a single submission about the service.


The customers’ reviews didn’t lie, the service is truly a good one. An editor who worked on my document was attentive to details and to my requirements. He left some notes about the common mistakes which my paper contained so that I could understand their nature and avoid them in the future. I am totally satisfied with the assistance provided by this company.


The high quality of this service and its great online reputation are probably explained by the cost of the service. For a 1-page document with the maximum possible deadline, you need to pay 24 dollars. That is the highest rate among all other editing services.

Besides, the company hires only native English speakers, so no wonder they charge so much for the service, otherwise the experts won’t work for a lower wage.


Customer support was great. An agent answered my question in less than 5 seconds after I addressed it. The reply was informative and fully satisfied my request. There were no attempts to induce me to place an order on this site. This department works exactly as good customer support should work and provides excellent help to the customers.

Choose Your Best Editing Service

As you can see, all these paper editing websites are different, and the range of services they provide may vary, but nevertheless, they are all trustworthy. You may rely on them when you need to polish your paper to perfection.

Each of them offers something unique. Some have more affordable prices, others offer more editing and proofreading options. These companies may help a lot either when you need a second pair of eyes to check your paper or a solid and detailed improvement of your document.

However, the biggest advantages of all these research paper editing services are the guarantee that your document will be absolved of spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. No matter whether you are a native English speaker or a foreign student who is not fluent in English, the assistance from such services is priceless.

You will never get a lower grade because of some simple mistakes that you have not noticed. Customers may also get some valuable pieces of advice from a professional editor concerning some parts of a paper which could be revised to make the document sound smoother. Some services even make such types of improvements themselves.

All we need is little assistance when it comes to dealing with writing, and getting such help from experienced editors is the right way to a perfect and error-free document.


When assessing editing services in 2024, consider factors like reputation, editor qualifications, turnaround times, and pricing.

Technological advancements in 2024 have streamlined editing processes, with automated tools improving grammar and style checks, and digital platforms facilitating online collaboration.

Using top editing services in 2024 results in enhanced document quality, improved clarity, coherence, and professionalism in written content, ultimately strengthening communication and branding.