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Essay Writing: 7 Steps to Write a Perfect Essay

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

Writing an essay is a most common task for students. Is it easy to write? For someones, perhaps it is but not always. No matter if it is a scholarship essay or a homework, or an application, everyone can find this writing overwhelming. Here go the steps that should be followed to write a brilliant essay.

1. Your topic.

The commencement of any essay writing process is undeniably the most critical step. It's akin to laying down the foundation stone for a building yet to take form, thus setting the tone for everything that follows. Often, the task of topic selection is simplified as educators assign specific subjects. However, when it comes to steps to writing an essay on a self-chosen topic, it's a different ball game altogether.

It becomes necessary to seek out a topic that resonates with your interest. How does one accomplish this? The answer lies in simplicity. Pore over your broad subject matter and scout for the theme that intrigues you. Ponder over it. Do any thoughts arise? If there's even a hint of familiarity or an iota of knowledge about it, seize it. This initial understanding can guide you in the further steps on writing an essay.

When you embark on the essay writing steps, remember the importance of topic selection cannot be understated. It's a crucial component in the steps for writing an essay. Remember that a well-chosen topic can make your essay steps smoother and more enjoyable. Confidence is the key! Rest assured, with determination and a clear objective, you'll handle this adeptly.

2. An outline.

The next step is to write an outline. You have to organize your thoughts first. The progression from topic selection in the steps to an essay transcends into the arena of drafting an outline – an integral segment in the process. Manifesting your thoughts into a coherent structure is the purpose here, but this task demands patience and deliberation.

Here is how to write essay step by step. Visualize your thoughts as raw gems that need expertly cut and polished to radiate their true beauty. How to go about it? Consider each nugget of information or idea you have about your topic. Jot down a summary, just a line or two, encapsulating each point. It is the essence of how to write a perfect essay: thought synthesis into clear, concise points.

Next, the goal is to organize these points into a cohesive unit, aligning them with your essay's desired number of paragraphs. This process embodies how to write an essay step by step, transforming your initial thoughts into a systematic framework.

Feeling stumped or bereft of thoughts? It's a common hurdle in writing an essay steps, but do not despair. The Internet is your ally in these moments. It's acceptable to garner inspiration from online resources to generate crucial bullet points. However, these should act as stepping stones in the steps in writing an essay and not as a full-fledged solution. Allow these sparks of inspiration to fuel your creativity and guide your essay into its ultimate form.

3. A thesis statement.

The journey through the steps on how to write an essay is a lot like navigating a labyrinth - intricate yet illuminating. As you tread further, the third critical step appears: creating your thesis statement. It is here where the soul of your essay is revealed, laying the groundwork for the rest of your arguments and perspectives.

Consider it as the compass guiding your readers through your world of thoughts. So, how do we encapsulate our entire viewpoint in one concise sentence? Extract the main idea to the reader like you do it for your Instagram. Take, for instance, hashtags like #interview, #president, #speech, #Oval_cabinet, #conflict, #resolution, and #crisis.

Do you see the connection? Utilize this strategy to extract the central idea and forge your thesis statement. Following our example, you might end up with: "The President of the US, in a recent Oval Cabinet interview, elaborated on the North Korean conflict and proposed resolution strategies."

As you proceed with the steps for an essay, it is crucial to understand that the thesis statement is not as daunting as it initially appears. It is merely a reflective summary of your viewpoints, essential in your what are the steps to write an essay guide.

Navigating the essay step by step, remember that the key is to keep your thesis statement clear, focused, and argumentative. Try these "steps to write a good essay," allowing your readers to grasp the central theme of your narrative at a glance, setting the stage for the intricate arguments that will follow.

4. The body of your essay.

Navigating further into the step by step writing an essay process, you arrive at the juncture of constructing the body of your essay. It is where the core of your argument, the essence of your thoughts, and your viewpoints' narrative are woven into a compelling tapestry of words.

Here, the outline you diligently crafted earlier becomes your guide. It is the blueprint of your thoughts, assisting in structuring your essay with precision. Remember, each point in your outline corresponds to a paragraph in the body of your essay, each embodying a distinct idea or argument.

Suppose online sources inspired your outline; fear not. The art of paraphrasing can convert the skeletal structure into a fleshed-out narrative, always keeping in mind to adhere to the main theme of your topic. The first sentence of each paragraph could be a rephrased version of the outline point, leading seamlessly into the specifics of your argument.

The steps of writing an essay can sometimes appear as an uphill task, but the secret lies in systematically following the guidelines and maintaining coherence. Through this strategic approach, writing the perfect essay becomes less intimidating and more of an engaging exploration of your thoughts and ideas. Remember, the body of your essay is the stage upon which your arguments dance, captivating your audience's attention. Make sure each step of this dance is well-choreographed and elegantly performed.

5. The introduction.

How about the steps to writing a good essay? The spotlight now falls on crafting the introduction. Write a robust thesis statement and a comprehensive body of the essay. It's time to captivate your reader's attention immediately.

Think of yourself as a seasoned journalist, holding the power to influence your reader's curiosity. Your thesis becomes your headline, the scoop of the day you are eager to present to your audience.

The introduction, in essence, is your bait, the hook that sinks into the reader's curiosity, urging them to delve deeper into your thought ocean. It encapsulates the essence of the steps to write an essay, wherein you inform, engage, and intrigue.

6. The conclusion.

Now we have to close the topic. You should take a deep breath and conclude your idea of the body paragraphs. Attention! Follow the thesis statement written; it should be appropriate.

7. Proofread and edit.

Now you are not a journalist but an editor. Imagine that it was done by your competitor and smash it down! You should criticize everything as it will be done by your instructor. Fix grammar and spelling issues and make sure that it flows easily.

Put your paragraphs in order. The first one and the last ones should be very strong and related to the topic and thesis statement. Insert your own opinion to make it more personal. Once your inside editor cannot find anything to fix, just read it again and submit it to your professor. And remember, is lying on a college application illegal. Congrats! You have just done a perfect essay.