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Study Abroad Experiences: Tips and Stories

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

Independence, complete freedom, and an opportunity to dive into a different culture and expand their horizons are the most common reasons why students choose to immerse themselves in a unique and fascinating study abroad experience. Irrespective of the numerous challenges people face as they travel abroad to get the desired degree, there is a plethora of aspects that can make them appreciate the time.

The location, culture, traditions, and language are nothing compared to the excitement and memories of being an international student can bring. At this point, it is indispensable to mention that moderation and cautiousness are inevitable here. After listening to multiple inspirational stories of students who had experience studying abroad, a lot of learners cannot think of anything but the desire to immerse themselves in a different atmosphere and become international students. Platforms like ivypanda essay can provide valuable insights and resources to those aspiring to embark on this exciting academic journey.


Do you like the idea of going abroad to study? Before you dive into the details and perspectives of the potential experience, you need to analyze the background and come up with answers to a few of the most critical questions.

First of all, studying abroad is emotionally overwhelming, tiresome, and demanding, at least at the beginning of the journey. Are you ready to face all the challenges and overcome them? Will you stay motivated and interested in the experience even if you keep failing? What factors can make you change your mind?

Secondly, after reading an impressive motivation story for student, you may be excited to finally get the desired freedom. However, loneliness and homesickness are the other side of the coin that should also be considered. Will you cope with negative feelings? Are you strong-willed enough to keep struggling if situations are depressing? Will you find a way to stay social even during the most complicated times of your college life?

Finally, as an international student, you may have a cultural shock. Do you want to create an inspiring story of a student who managed to dive into the local culture and integrate into society? Are you ready to devote much of your time, effort, skills, and energy to research about the destination country? Keep reading an article to gather more information about the advantages and downsides of international studying, which will help you make a well-informed choice you won't regret. Additionally, exploring essay writing services reviews can offer perspectives and assistance in navigating the complexities of academic writing during your international studies.

Preparation for Study Abroad

What does the international study experience look like for you? What are your first emotions, feelings, and thoughts when you hear about a chance to head abroad to get a degree? Is it only about traveling and starting a new, independent life? Well, before you apply to college and buy your ticket to a different country, you need to get ready for the authentic experience.

Planning is the fundamental study abroad advice that can change everything. If you thrive at this stage, you have an impressive chance to enjoy every bit of your international experience.

  • Get organized. Traveling is a lot of effort, especially for studying, not entertainment. Do not leave important paperwork for the last minute; instead, plan your work ahead to avoid extra stress. Proper time management will help you deal with the major issues, eliminating anxiety, stress, and other issues.
  • Set your goals. Do you want to get a degree, advance your language skills, or just flee from your parents? The quality of your stay and the results of your international experience will depend on your goals a lot. Take your time to reflect on the most critical questions to find reasonable answers and thrive with the undertaking.
  • Learn about the culture. Adaptation to the local culture is one of the critical steps to the desired success. Research the food, music, traditions, and other culture-related aspects that can be important for you.
  • Create a bucket list. Why do you want to become an international student? Is it mainly about the cultural experience? Or do you strive to immerse yourself into a different atmosphere, making new friends and becoming independent? Once you know the goal of your trip, you are ready to create a bucket list, which will guide you and keep you active. Mention the places you want to visit, things to do, and people to meet.
  • Make connections before you travel. With the development of technology, finding people and making friends is not hard. If you want to make your transition to the local culture smooth, you should make an effort to detect some of your future fellow students and keep in touch with them. This way, you will not have to dive into a completely unknown surroundings, as there will already be people who will support and help you.
  • Start learning the local language. Knowing a few simple words in the local language is not about your professionalism or expertise but rather about your respect towards the people. Take your time to learn the most common phrases that will make your stay much more comfortable and will be a perfect beginning for meaningful relationships with local students.

What does study abroad teach you? One of the most prominent lessons you must learn is that you are not the center of life. Thus, you will have to make an effort to dive into a different society and become a member of the community.

Tips for a Successful Study Abroad Experience

Traveling and studying abroad are positive experiences that can shape your character, expand your horizons, and make you a better version of yourself. After reading multiple study abroad stories, you will be inspired to choose the international college and study there. However, make sure you are ready for the experience.

How does study abroad change you? It all depends on your desire to succeed with the experience. The impact can be positive or negative, but it will anyway be predetermined by you.

  • Learn things;
  • Take cues from locals;
  • Fight homesickness;
  • Expand your vision;
  • Stay flexible;
  • Study;
  • Forget about your comfort zone;
  • Enjoy the time.

Real-Life Study Abroad Stories

Before buying a ticket to a foreign country, ensure you know the answer to the question, “Why should you study abroad?” Here are the testimonies of experienced international students that may help you understand the peculiarities of the experience better.

  • “When I first came to Japan, everything looked so weird and unusual. It seemed like an alternative reality for me. I had a hard time making any friends or even just acquaintances. However, after a year I spent in the country, I can tell that diversity is not scary, it is interesting and inspiring. You should be ready to accept this fact to enjoy your experience”.
  • “Why is study abroad important? Because it shows you who you are. Even though I was convinced I was an extrovert, becoming an international student made me realize I was wrong. The first two or three weeks of my studying experience were devastating, but then I realized it was me who was responsible for the experience. Adjustability, friendliness, and openness were the exact elements I lacked at the very beginning of the journey”.

Practical Advice for Handling Challenges

Why do you want to study abroad? According to the reviews of numerous students, an unbeatable desire to stay independent and free are the exact elements that motivate them to keep going. Well, it means you are ready to accept not only the advantages of traveling abroad but also all the challenges that come with it. Check out some of the most common issues international students encounter, and avoid the wrong choices people make.

  • Create a weekly or monthly budget;
  • Find an extra source of income;
  • Get a scholarship, if possible;
  • Be consistent in learning the language;
  • Keep in touch with your family and friends;
  • Come up with a well-structured and reasonable schedule;
  • Stay entertained and social;
  • Find new friends.


Do you know how to prepare for study abroad now? Then, you need to choose the destination and start the first stage of the process right away. Follow the tips and guidelines mentioned above to make your international study experience a blast. Read multiple testimonies to understand the peculiarities of the experience, know how to single out the best programs, and head to the country that is the most welcoming and easy to explore.