How to Apply Abroad

Students at the graduation ceremony
John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

Why Study Abroad - Your Decision to Leave the Country

Why should I study abroad? What is waiting for me there? Will not I be frustrated with my decision?

If such questions appear in your head, you need to sort out how you benefit from studying in the English-speaking countries. Firstly, it goes without saying that you get a prestigious education. A rare candidate can boast with an American or British diploma in his CV. Secondly, college years are the best time to explore the world around. Immersing in the foreign culture will help you to develop professionally and personally. Finally, studying abroad is a challenge. The unfamiliar environment where you cannot rely on your friends and family stimulates you to think and find creative solutions.

If the mentioned items above are not enough to start packing your suitcases.

The Best Places to Study Abroad for an ESL Student

Our world is so big and different that it becomes a tricky task to choose where to study abroad. We will help you to brainstorm ideas for the best places for education.

Study in the USA

America is a multicultural country, so there is no wonder that it hosts the largest number of students from the whole planet. Youth come here to turn their “American dream” into reality. This country offers you lots of chances if you are young, ambitious, and hardworking. It is expensive; however, there are a number of opportunities to get a scholarship. One more disadvantage of studying in the USA is some restrictions on working during and after getting the education.

Study in the UK

It is hard to stay in the UK after you finish your studies as well as to apply to a British uni. But international students have a chance to work in Britain if they start looking for a job early in their final year of education. You have only 4 months after graduation to be hired; otherwise, you go home.

Study in Canada

The Canadian and British systems of education have lots in common. But application rules for international students are more loyal here, and it is much easier to find a job after graduation in Canada than in the UK.

Study in Australia

If secondary education in your country lasted less than 12 years, you could not apply to an Australian university. But you can take a foundation course in Australia or complete 1-2 years of undergraduate education elsewhere. Fantastic nature, culture, and prospects are worth the efforts.

Study in New Zealand

This country is not a popular destination among international students yet. That’s why it is a bit cheaper to study here, but another inconvenience emerges: it will cost a pretty penny to fly home or travel around the world from this island country.

Study in Malta

Maltese education is often left without attention by students who want to study in English-speaking countries. It is unfair because the University of Malta (there is only one uni because of the small size of the country) is one of the oldest in Europe and the quality of education is comparable to the Oxbridge level.

Study in Ireland

This is a more affordable alternative to British education. Besides, you have a year to find a job after graduation. You can work part-time while studying or full-time on holidays.

Deadlines for Admissions in the Universities of English-speaking countries

As a rule, you can apply for the most universities in the USA and Canada from October until January in your final year of secondary school. You get the news that you have been accepted in spring, so you can start making plans which one to attend.

British universities accept applications from September to March depending on the chosen school and course. Some schools even may consider your documents if you send them after the deadline. Contact the school and clarify if they have vacancies for you before applying.

In Australia and New Zealand, you can begin your studies in either Semester 1 or Semester 2. You submit an application by mid-November/late December for the first and by May for the second depending on which one you choose.

1 February is a deadline for early applications and 1 May for late applications in Ireland.

The University of Malta accepts applications until the end of May for the first semester and until November for the second.

Required Documents to Apply to a University Abroad

The application process starts a long time before the deadline. You choose the university, the course, compare offers, and, finally, prepare necessary application documents. The package may vary, but, usually, it consists of the following items:

  • Copy of passport/visa (if available)
  • Certificate of graduation
  • Academic transcript
  • Personal statement
  • Certificate of English proficiency
  • Reference letters

Where to Find Scholarships

If you have high academic or sporting achievements, you can get a scholarship that covers all or a part of tuition. There are also scholarships that are based on financial need. Anyway, you should try your luck and look for such an opportunity. Student funding can be offered by a university, government, or a non-governmental organization. Follow us on the ScamFighter Facebook page in order to not miss a scholarship announcement.