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Is AI writing plagiarism issue true: top facts

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing many spheres. Academic writing is not an exception. Many students try using AI generated text in their essays, speeches, and reports. But what do professors think about it? Is AI considered plagiarism? What about the ethics side of using artificial intelligence-based solutions?

It is important to clarify these questions to avoid issues when delivering your papers. Below, you will find more AI writing plagiarism facts and problems, as well as discover whether you are allowed to use the most innovative tools for your papers. In this post, we dive deeper into the following niches:

  • Understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI writing
  • Identifying the potential for plagiarism in AI-generated content
  • Examining the ethical implications of AI writing and plagiarism

What is plagiarism

First of all, it is necessary to understand the basic concept of plagiarism. To put it short, it is connected with using someone else’s ideas, arguments, and examples in your writing. As a rule, using this data without proper citation causes serious penalties for students. For example, with the high level of AI, your paper might not be accepted, or you can get an extremely low grade, fail a class, or even get kicked out of your educational institution.

But the truth is that this rule works only if you use data from another human writer in your paper. Does paraphrasing or summarizing data by artificial intelligence significantly reduce your paper’s originality? Unfortunately, teachers and professors still haven’t provided a profound answer to this question. However, we are here to investigate whether these issues can lead to serious problems in college.

Why AI-generated content might not be considered plagiarism

So, what if AI writes your academic assignment for you? Is using AI plagiarism? We believe that it is NOT. Here are the main reasons why we think so:

No direct plagiarism intent

Firstly, let's talk about intent. One of the main reasons plagiarism is such a big deal is that someone intentionally tries to pass off someone else's work as their own. With AI, there's no sneaky intent behind it. It's just algorithms doing their thing without any consciousness or deceit. So, is AI writing plagiarism in this case? No.

You don’t use copy-paste

Then, there's the fact that AI doesn't directly copy stuff. When it generates text, it's not like copying and pasting from existing human-written content. Instead, it's drawing from this massive pool of data it's been trained on to develop something new. It's like a mash-up of information, and that makes it somewhat original in its way. Is AI plagiarism? No, it uses a more advanced technology

High level of customization

AI can be super specific. You give it a prompt, and it tailors its response based on that. So, the stuff it churns out can be pretty different from what it's learned, making it challenging to accuse AI writing plagiarism.

Diverse sources

AI generated text comes from a whopping number of sources. It means that the algorithms don’t use one or two websites to generate the answer to your question. The technology analyzes a huge amount of information and compares different types of data, concepts, and facts. Should you consider AI writing as plagiarism? Not actually.

AI plagiarism: is it a grey zone?

Some people argue that AI-generated content is still a shady business. For starters, AI might be using algorithms, but those algorithms are trained on human content. So, in a way, everything it spits out is like a remix of all the human-created stuff it's digested. Originality gets quite murky there.

So, what if AI writes your paper? And then there's the trust issue. If someone passes off AI-generated content as their own without giving credit to the machine, it's like they're pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. That can seriously mess with their credibility and make people question the authenticity of what they're putting out there.

Ethics also come into play. Using AI-generated text to whip up academic papers or professional articles? That raises eyebrows. It's like bypassing the human brain part of the process, which can make people wonder about the quality and integrity of the content. Plus, it might make the brand behind it look less like a thought leader and more like they're cutting corners.

So yeah, AI-generated content is a whole can of worms. Of course, you might use artificial intelligence and then modify your paper using AI writing detection tools. However, it might turn out to be too complicated and time-consuming.

How to solve an issue?

What if you want an excellent paper with a clear structure and top-notch arguments but don’t want to use artificial intelligence? Is there any win-win way to compose a successful essay or research paper with no risks of facing AI writing plagiarism? Sure!

Academic writing services are always ready to help! The secret is that the papers they deliver are written by professional writers, not artificial intelligence. It means you can receive a 100% original essay, eliminating originality issues. So, what are even more advantages of using academic writing websites?

  • Access to expertise: You get to tap into the knowledge and experience of professionals in various fields. So, when you use their services, you get top-notch help from people who know them.
  • Quality assurance: Forget about an AI-generated text! These websites ensure their work is up to snuff. They check for things like academic standards, research accuracy, and keeping everything plagiarism-free. That means you can hand in work that's top quality and reflects well on you.
  • Meeting deadlines: Are deadlines sneaking up on you? No worries. Academic writing websites can help you meet those deadlines by delivering your work on time. That way, you can avoid the last-minute panic and hand in your assignments like a boss.
  • Customization: You're in charge here. Most academic writing websites offer services that can be tailored to what you need. Whether it's research help, writing assistance, or editing, you can ask for exactly what you want. Forget about any text generated by AI - your papers will be crafted by human writers only.
  • Confidentiality: Your privacy matters. These websites take that seriously, keeping your personal info and work under wraps. That means you can trust them to keep your stuff safe and sound.
  • Support and communication: Need help or have questions? No problem. These websites usually have support teams you can reach out to. They're there to ensure you're taken care of and that everything goes smoothly with your order.

Still wondering which academic writing website to choose? Many students explore writing services reviews online to make a good choice!


Can you freely use AI when composing your papers? Is it really plagiarism if an AI writes it? Well, the decision is up to you. There is no clear answer to the question about AI plagiarism and using the power of artificial intelligence in your academic assignments. Checking this information in your academic institution's writing policies is always good.