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Writing a dissertation. Your final research

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The way to the Ph.D. degree is through the dissertation. In order to make this path less thorny, we have gathered the general advice and tips on the final research writing. Combine them with your deep knowledge of the subject and create a paper you will be proud of.

Why Your Final Task is so Extensive and Important

The last research is likely to be the most significant piece of writing you are supposed to do during your education process. A dissertation is seen as a way of testing your skills as a researcher. This paper shows that a student can identify their personal area of interest, manage a research project, explore a chosen subject in depth, define appropriate questions, and use suitable research methods and tools.

How to Choose the Topic of Your Dissertation

Selecting a topic is the first challenge in a dissertation writing process. Do not wait for insight. Be proactive in searches of an issue for your final research. If you do not have a single idea where to start, consider our tips:

  • Think about your own professional interests: what would you like to research?
  • Talk to faculty members and colleagues: what do they suppose is important in the field of your study?
  • Read professional journals: what are the latest articles in your field about?
  • Go to the library: are you sure your potential topic is not done to death?
  • Look for the recommendations in the previously written dissertations. Chapter 5 usually contains the researchers’ suggestions for further developments.
  • Attend conferences and seminars: what are current trends and the most discussed topics in the academic circles?
  • And the last tip - surf the Internet.

You choose several potential topics and review them using the critical approach. The best suitable one will meet the following criteria:

  • it makes an original and practical contribution to the knowledge within your study field;
  • it is manageable in volume;
  • it holds your interest for a long time;
  • the data required for completing it are obtainable;
  • it is acceptable to your committee members.

Planning Stage

As a rule, your institution provides its students with the dissertation writing guide. Ask your advisor for it. It can differ in details, but a general outline is the same.

Communicate with Your Professor

Keep in mind that the responsibility for your dissertation lays on you. If you need supervision, advice or help, do not hesitate to address to your advisor. Try to be neither passive nor aggressive. Be assertive and consult our checklist in order to build good productive relationships with your professor:

  • listen open-mindedly when your professor shares their point of view;
  • come well prepared for a meeting;
  • save your professor’s time by illustrating very clearly what section of your paper you ask them to review and what issues you are not sure about;
  • make the discussion about a certain decision more effective by thinking in advance about possible solutions.

Check Yourself and Hire an Editor

When your final research is done, and all the chapters are written, there is one more step left - proofreading and editing. Your huge work, your brainchild is too valuable to be underestimated by a dissertation committee.

Do not let grammar mistakes come between you and your Ph.D. degree. Firstly, reread your final paper by yourself sometime after it is completed. There must be no spelling mistakes and typos; the sentence structure and word choices must be in order.

Secondly, ask somebody to check your writing. You had better find a professional editor who is efficient enough to ensure that your paper fulfills all language requirements. Avoid placing an order with services that have only bad reviews. Guard your brainchild against amateurs - read proofreading services reviews on ScamFighter before paying them.