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Argumentative Essay Writing: Useful Academic Secrets

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

I know the struggle, the pressure of writing an argumentative essay. As a student, I faced this task often. Learning how to craft an essay is crucial for academic success. It's about presenting strong arguments, providing evidence, and convincing readers of your viewpoint. These secrets I learned can help you succeed too.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

So, what is a argumentative essay? It's a question many students ask. An essay is a writing task where you take a stand on a specific topic. You need to present clear arguments, support them with evidence, and persuade your reader to agree with your stance. It's more than just stating your opinion; it's about making a convincing case. During my time in school, I faced many such papers, and understanding an essay was the first step toward success. Now, you can ace it too!

The Main Types of Argumentative Essays

Learning how to start a argumentative essay is essential. It involves understanding the main types. You can write an argumentative essay with different approaches, backing up your claim with facts and examples. For example, you might write a classical, Rogerian, or Toulmin essay. Each type requires a specific structure and way to present the claim, but knowing how to start an essay will set you on the path to success.

The Toulmin Model

One method is the Toulmin Model, a strategy I use often. If you want to know how to start an argumentative essay using this model, read on. It takes a bit more effort, with a min of preparation. Yet, the information you gather will allow for a strong argument. Here, you claim an argument, provide evidence, and include a rebuttal. It allows your reader to see not just one side but the full scope of the topic. It makes for a more informative and persuasive argument.

The Rogerian Model

The Rogerian Model is another approach that an argumentative essay writer may choose. Unlike other styles, this model emphasizes understanding and acknowledging opposing views. This approach helped foster a more respectful and collaborative tone as a writer. In the Rogerian Model, you identify common ground between differing perspectives.

Then, you present your argument and the opposing view equally, aiming to build bridges rather than attack. This method encourages thoughtful dialogue and can be incredibly effective, particularly on polarizing issues. This strategy helps you stand out as a more empathetic and skilled writer.

How to Outline and Write an Argumentative Essay

So, what is the first step in the prewriting process for an argumentative essay? Planning is essential, and it begins with choosing a topic. A writer must find a subject that allows strong arguments with substantial evidence. When I was writing, selecting a meaningful topic was vital. After picking the topic, outlining helps you organize thoughts, ensuring the writer has a clear structure. This organization streamlines the writing process, making it easier to present a coherent argument.


An impactful introduction for argumentative essay papers is key. When writing an introduction for an argumentative essay, you must hook the reader, present your topic, and introduce your stance. You aim to engage the reader and provide a glimpse of the arguments and evidence you'll present later. A strong intro sets the stage for the essay, so it must be well-crafted. It's not just about stating facts; it's about drawing the reader into your perspective. Crafting a compelling introduction was something I worked on diligently, and it can make or break your essay.

Body Paragraphs

After the introduction, the body paragraphs logically follow an argumentative essay's logical order. Here's where you flesh out your arguments, following the types and outline you've prepared. Each paragraph should contain a clear statement backed by evidence that supports your claim.

As someone who had to order argumentative essay components effectively, I found that a well-structured body helps the reader understand your perspective and connect with your argument. Every statement must align with your thesis, ensuring a cohesive flow through the essay.


The conclusion is the final stage in the argumentative essay steps. It's a summation of your essay, argumentative stance, and a reinforcement of why your argument matters. It is where you drive home the point you've made. Reflecting on my experiences, I realized that a strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression.

It doesn't merely repeat what's been said; it synthesizes the essay, reinforcing your argument and leaving the reader with something to ponder. These essay steps may seem challenging, but with practice and dedication, you can master them as I did, turning a daunting task into an opportunity to shine.

Argumentative Essay Format

The paper format is about presenting your arguments and adhering to specific writing standards. Proper formatting ensures that your essay looks professional and follows academic guidelines. Here are some key elements to include in your argumentative essay format:

  • Fonts: Times New Roman, Arial, 12-point size;
  • Margins: 1 inch on all sides;
  • Spacing: Double-spaced;
  • Paragraphs: Indented first line;
  • Citations: Follow a specific citation style like APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Adhering to the proper essay format makes your paper look polished and improves readability. It helps your reader focus on the content and reflects your attention to detail. Whether you're a student or writing professionally, these guidelines help you convey your thoughts effectively.

Argumentative Essay Writing: Things to Avoid

When it comes to essay writing, there are several pitfalls and mistakes that you should avoid. Steering clear of these will help you create a more convincing and professional piece. Firstly, avoid making unsupported claims. Every statement you make should be backed by evidence or logic. Secondly, resist the temptation to become emotional or biased. Stick to facts, and present a balanced view when possible.

Avoid using overly complex language; clarity is key. And finally, avoid plagiarism at all costs. Always cite your sources and express ideas in your words. Understanding what to avoid in an argumentative paper can distinguish between a compelling piece and one that fails to persuade. Remembering these tips from my experience, you'll find the process more manageable and rewarding.

Trendy Argumentative Essay Topics

Selecting a relevant and engaging topic is one of the initial steps of an argumentative essay. A trendy topic can spark interest and fuel your writing. Here are 20 topics that are currently popular:

  1. Impact of social media on youth.
  2. Climate change: myth or reality?
  3. Veganism as an ethical choice.
  4. Universal healthcare: pros and cons.
  5. Gender wage gap: solutions.
  6. Legalization of recreational drugs.
  7. Artificial intelligence: threat or opportunity?
  8. Animal testing in scientific research.
  9. Mandatory vaccination policies.
  10. Online privacy concerns.
  11. Effects of video games on mental health.
  12. Space exploration: worth the investment?
  13. Education reforms in the 21st century.
  14. Fast fashion and environmental impact.
  15. Remote work: future of employment?
  16. Influence of celebrity culture.
  17. Political polarization in modern society.
  18. Renewable energy vs. Fossil fuels.
  19. Cyberbullying and its consequences.
  20. Genetically modified foods: safe or harmful?

Choosing one of these topics will align your argumentative essay with current discussions and debates. It helps to engage your readers and keeps your writing fresh and relevant. Understanding the steps of an essay, from selecting a topic to crafting a conclusion, can make the process seamless and enjoyable.