SharkPapers is rated 2.5 by ScamFighter and is not on our TOP Writing Services

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Executive Summary

The Key Features of SharkPapers
based on ScamFighter
👍 Web reputation
Minimal deadline
💲 Minimal price

Is Shark Papers legit? It is one of the questions that bother most of the students who strive to get professional help from the company. Unfortunately, it is hard or even impossible to make any conclusions without spending some time browsing the website and ordering the paper. At first sight, it is a usual essay writing platform with an easy-to-navigate and informative page, a quick-to-apply support team, and a range of other advantages. Additionally, the company has quite a high rating online, and I managed to detect numerous positive Shark Papers reviews.

Do the claims made on the website coincide with the reality? Are the papers offered by professional writers effective? Keep reading a comprehensive Shark Papers review to find the details of my personal experience and make your own conclusions.

Info Pros and Cons


  • Intuitive website
  • Multiple ways to stay in touch with the team


  • Fake reviews
  • No safety guarantees
  • Helpless support team
  • Fake information about the prices

Info Online Reputation

The first thing I frequently pay the most attention to is online reputation. In the overwhelming majority of instances, Shark Papers reviews are the simplest way to analyze the provided services and their quality. It did not take much of my time to find interesting Shark Papers Reddit. Some comments there were ultimately controversial, which attracted my attention. While most reviews were positive, a single Shark Papers review contained subtle details that made it look reasonable and true to life. However, that exact comment was negative, emphasizing poor services, low quality of the paper, complicated communication with the support team, and zero safety.

Info Guarantees

Browsing the company website, I noticed information about the money-back guarantee right on the first page. Nonetheless, reading multiple Shark Papers reviews, I realized that the process of getting a refund is complicated, and only a few people managed to succeed with it. As for the anonymity and safety guarantees, I got dozen of emails from third parties right after I confirmed my order.

Info Types of Services

Working on the Shark Papers review, I did my best to remain unbiased, irrespective of the negative experience I had with the service. Therefore, I should mention that the company provides students with an extensive list of available services, including:

  • Essay writing
  • Report
  • Coursework
  • Book/movie review
  • Homework
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Term paper and others

Info Ordering Process

The ordering process was another advantage of the service, as it did not take me more than 15 minutes to go through it. In fact, it was quite trivial, so I only had to include information about the paper, such as the academic level, number of pages, and deadline. When I proceeded to the next page, I needed to fill in more details and requirements, which were supposed to guide the writers.

Info Prices and Fees

Prices, discounts, and related aspects are always important to highlight in the Shark Papers review. Although some people claim the platform to offer services at super cheap costs, I could not make such a statement. The prices here start at $14.03 per page of the academic assignment delivered in more than 8 days. By the way, it includes a 50% discount.

After reading numerous Shark Papers reviews, I knew that the real prices could vary from the estimated ones. And it was exactly what happened to me. I ordered a 3-page essay delivered in 5 days and had to pay over $80 instead of the expected $55.

What about discounts or loyalty programs? These are the points I should skip in my Shark Papers review, as I did not find any price-related information on the website, except for a 50% discount which is already included in the price.

Prices and Fees

Info Paper Quality

Is Shark Papers legit? The most interesting part is here to come. The paper I ordered was a 3-page project in Psychology. No specific requirements were included, so the writer was only supposed to make it look scholarly.

Paper Quality

First of all, I should mention that the delivery was timely. However, when I opened the file, I was confused. It had nothing to do with formatting or structure. Instead, I received plain text without any paragraphs. When I tried to contact the support team, I had to spend over 30 minutes waiting for the reply.

Additionally, I should mention tons of mistakes and typos. Missed commas, wrong use of prepositions, unnecessary signs, and a range of other issues affected the quality of the paper a lot. As for the content, I should not even mention it, as it had nothing to do with Psychology.

Info Customer Support

I have read a lot about the support agents in Shark Papers Reddit discussions, but I could not even expect everything would be that bad. First of all, there were numerous communication channels offered for students, including a phone number, email, and live chat. At first, I got a pop-up window with the representatives of the support team asking questions and trying to help me. Nonetheless, everything changed when I asked for a revision and refund.

Custom Support

Info Offers and Extra Services

Free title page, formatting, bibliography, 24/7 customer support, unlimited revisions, and an array of other options were mentioned on the website.

ScamFighter is a safe repository of facts. Formulated by a team of intellectuals and former ghostwriters who have a comprehensive grasp of the industry, ScamFighter is marked with an insider's point of view on academic writing services. Our writing services reviews are detailed and based on an exhaustive list of pre-determined criteria, enabling us to objectively evaluate service quality, reliability, and value. The skill and expertise of our team allow us to spot and highlight hidden details and subtleties that might be overlooked by an untrained eye, thus making our reviews thoughtful and informative. More than that, ScamFighter is guided by fairness and affordability so you can trust us!

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